
The Communication discipline offers a variety of courses in both rhetoric and public address and Interpersonal Communication. Our Communication discipline is one of the most comprehensive in the SUNY system in terms of the number and type of courses we offer. These courses help students navigate the tricky business of speaking in public and the intricacies of building and maintaining relationships in both private and public life. All classes are hands-on discussion-based and many have a performance element. Either emphasis can be used to fashion an AA in Communication Studies, a degree we hope to be able to offer in the next year or so, which will also include a new Journalism emphasis.

The Communication faculty is engaged both in college and community-wide activities in ways that enhance their classes. Onondaga’s Toastmasters’ club is sponsored by the Communication discipline, as is the John F.X. Mannion Lecture series. The latter offers students taking COM 245(Communication@Work), the chance to hear real-world professionals speak about their workplace experiences.