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Onondaga Community College named the top student in each of its degree programs during the Curriculum Honors ceremony April 22 in the SRC Arena. Throughout the next two weeks we are highlighting the honorees on our website and social media. Today we recognize the Curriculum Honorees in our School of Business, School of Math, Science & Engineering, and School of Public Safety & Community Service.

School of Business

Accounting - Matthew Teta

  • Matt is a first generation college student who earned a 4.0 grade point average. He's doing an internship with a local accounting firm where his strong performance has resulted in a job offer.

Business Administration - Eiman Hejazi

  • Eiman was a role model student. She studied hard, was actively engaged in class, and earned a 4.0 grade point average.
Casey Crabill and Eiman Hejazi
Business Administration Curriculum Honoree Eiman Hejazi (right) is pictured with OCC President Dr. Casey Crabill (left).

Hospitality Management - Hanna Weslowski

  • Hanna transferred to OCC from another community college and loved her time here. Her skill and  OCC connections earned her a position as a prep cook working for 2020 Hospitality Management curriculum honoree Rosemary Thompson.
Casey Crabill with Hanna Weslowski
Hospitality Management Curriculum Honoree Hannah Weslowski (right) is pictured with OCC President Dr. Casey Crabill (left).

School of Math, Science & Engineering

Engineering Science - Luyen Duong

  • Luyen earned her degree while working full time and raising her daughter. She will transfer to Syracuse University and pursue an Engineering degree.
Casey Crabill and Luyen Duong
Engineering Science Curriculum Honoree Luyen Duong (right) is pictured with OCC President Dr. Casey Crabill (left).

Environmental Technology - Evan Zelenz

  • Evan excelled both inside and outside of class as a leader in the Geology Club where he worked tirelessly on field trips and club projects. He is transferring to SUNY Buffalo.
Casey Crabill and Evan Zelenz
Environmental Technology Curriculum Honoree Evan Zelenz (right) is pictured with OCC President Dr. Casey Crabill (left).

Mathematics & Science - Thi Nguyen

  • Thi came to the U.S. from Vietnam 3 years ago. She brought her son to the Children's Learning Center when she attended classes. Her goal is to become a Math teacher.
Casey Crabill and Thu Nguyen
Mathematics & Science Curriculum Honoree Thi Nguyen (right) is pictured with OCC President Dr. Casey Crabill (left).

School of Public Safety & Community Service

Alcohol & Substance Abuse Counseling - Melanie Murray

  • Melanie combines academic excellence with self-reflection and unconditional positive regard for all living beings.
Casey Crabill and Melanie Murray
Alcohol & Substance Abuse Counseling Curriculum Honoree Melanie Murray (right) is pictured with OCC President Dr. Casey Crabill (left).

Criminal Justice - Beatriz Batista

  • Beatriz came to OCC from Henninger High School and earned her degree in December. She now attends Syracuse University where her goal is to become a lawyer and focus on corporate or immigration law.
Casey Crabill and Beatriz Batista
Criminal Justice Curriculum Honoree Beatriz Batista (right) is pictured with OCC President Dr. Casey Crabill (left).

Human Services - Shaylee Payne

  • Shaylee earned a 4.0 grade point average while continuously supporting classmates, inspiring professors, and displaying a high level of professionalism at her field placement and volunteer sites.
Onondaga Community Colleges