Robert Wells
Robert Wells earned his Criminal Justice Degree at OCC nearly 30 years ago. He's an Officer in the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C. In the above photo he's riding a motorcycle, escorting the Presidential motorcade on Inauguration Day.

Robert Wells, '92 has lived a life he could have only dreamed of when he was growing up on Syracuse's North Side. He's met Presidents and their families, dignitaries from around the world, and shared private moments with some of them. Wells is an officer with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C. When a motorcycle escort is needed for the Presidential motorcade, Wells leads the way on his motorcycle. His road to a career in law enforcement began at Onondaga Community College in the Criminal Justice major. "In hindsight going to OCC was one of the best things I ever did."

Wells graduated from Syracuse's Henninger High School and started taking classes at OCC 30 years ago. "I went there to improve my grades. I knew I probably wanted to be a police officer but I wasn't quite old enough. Most departments didn't require any college but I thought I could separate myself by going to OCC."

Wells is pictured in Washington DC.
Wells is pictured in Washington DC. Behind him is the Washington Monument.

After earning his Criminal Justice degree in 1992, Wells went to Niagara University before beginning his career in law enforcement. Lessons learned from impactful faculty members at OCC stayed with him throughout his career. "Times change but the basics of policing do not, and that was what the professors at OCC were so good at. I often find myself referring to their teachings in my day-to-day work without even thinking about it."

Wells recently scanned the College website to see if any of his professors were still on campus. He remembered Professors David Owens, Martin Linahan, and Richard Lombardo who had since retired. He also remembered Donna Stuccio, a former Syracuse Police officer who taught Wells during her first year at OCC and is still at the College. He decided to send her an email and wrote the following; "I just wanted to say thank you for the start of my career. My time at OCC was very valuable and led me to where I am today. I hope your students can one day look back and appreciate the fine teaching at OCC."

Wells with Patrick Corbin
Wells (right) is pictured with fellow Central New Yorker Patrick Corbin (left) who is a pitcher for the Washington Nationals. Corbin and the Nationals won the 2019 World Series.
Onondaga Community College