Race & Policing in America

Lets Focus on Change

This past summer, protests for racial justice swept the nation and the world. Sparked by the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor at the hands of the police, society evaluated the ethics, history, and issues surrounding modern policing.  

OCC's Race & Policing Committee will be hosting a series of reform-inspired talks on these topics. We want to look at the data and have conversations about proposed solutions so we can have a better and more equitable tomorrow. 


All sessions are informal discussions and are open to all students, faculty, staff, and community members. The discussion will be available on Microsoft Teams. 

OCC organized and hosted the Symposium and is making the recording available as an educational and public service.  The opinions of the speakers and commenters are entirely their own and do not reflect the position of the College.

Your questions, answered.

In addition to the sessions above, we have taken the time to answer your questions that we weren't able to address in the time allotted. 

I'm the Problem, You're the Problem, What's the Problem?

It's Been a Long Time Coming


Fill out a survey

Share your views on race and policing in America. We appreciate your important feedback. 

Survey for the Campus Community  

Dear Participant:

 The Committee on Race and Policing is requesting your participation in a survey on race and policing in America to determine your views on this issue.  This survey contains 7 questions and provides you with the opportunity to share your views, if you wish.  Your participation should take less than 5-10 minutes. 

 This is an anonymous survey.  All information shared will be strictly confidential, so that no one will be able to identify you when the results are recorded and/or reported.  The only risks to you related to your participation include sharing information regarding your experiences.  If these experiences have been negative, it may be uncomfortable for you to respond.  If you feel uncomfortable, you may end your participation in the survey at any time.  Additionally, Onondaga Community College Counseling Services are available to support you.  They can be reached by calling them at 315-498-5210. 

 Your participation in this study is voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time without negative consequences.  If you wish to withdraw at any time during the study, simply discontinue responding to the survey questions and do not submit.  Your withdrawal from the survey will have no negative consequences for you.

 If you have any questions about the survey, please feel free to contact Professor Jessica Wieczorek, Research Investigator/Project Director at 315-498-2984 or Professor Tara Ross at 315-498-2041.  If you have other questions, please feel free to contact Onondaga Community College’s Vice President for Institutional Planning, Assessment, and Research Dr. Agatha Awuah, at 315-498-2500.  By clicking on and completing the survey, you confirm that you are at least 18 years of age or older and agree to participate in the survey.

Survey for the Campus Community  

 If you have a concern about a situation with the police, you may contact the Syracuse Police Department Office of Community Relations at 315-442-5210, or you may leave a personnel complaint at the link on the Syracuse Police Department website to share your concerns.

Who's hosting?

Members of OCC's Race and Policing in America committee collaborated to bring this slate of events to you. Professors Harrison, Patnode, Ross and Wieczorek are looking forward to great discussions.  

See what they have to say about the upcoming events.

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