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Graphic Design major Bryn Whitman designed a new logo for OCC's new Electromechanical Technology programs.
Graphic Design major Bryn Whitman designed logos for OCC's new Electromechanical Technology programs.

When Onondaga Community College's new Micron-related curriculum was approved earlier this semester, leaders in the School of Computing & Applied Technologies decided they needed a logo specific to the new program. That's when they turned to students in Professor Bruce Osborne's ART-240, Advanced Graphic Design class.

Students created their first draft of logos for the Electromechanical Technology degree and certificate programs, then went through a critique process. Several were told to simplify what they had designed. "Mine started off with really complicated circuitry," said Bryn Whitman, a Graphic Design major who graduated from Auburn High School in 2022. "They liked the gears I had designed. Everyone knows what gears are." 

Whitman kept removing things from her initial design, added circuits inside the gear, and came up with her final design. Earlier this month, the School of Computing & Applied Technologies decided it liked her design the most. "It felt pretty good to win!" Her efforts also resulted in her winning a $25 amazon gift card.

Whitman's winning designs for the news Electromechanical Technology programs.
Whitman's winning designs for the new Electromechanical Technology programs.
Onondaga Community College
Auburn High School