On Campus
Yellow hibiscus - the state flower of Hawaii photo by  Hiếu Hoàng
Yellow hibiscus - the state flower of Hawaii

OCC is celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month this April! This celebration is all about acknowledging the experiences, history, and contributions of generations of Asian and Pacific American people. We have put together a series of events, activities, and displays for everyone to participate in. 

Scheduled Events:

  • Meet the Deaf New Americans: The Overcomers - April 4th 12:15-1:15pm @ M106
    Monu Chhetri and Jay Regmi on the journey Deaf New Americans experience as they resettle in Syracuse
  • The Situation of Afghan Girls and Women in the Past and the Present: A conversation with Homaira Mohammadi - April 8th 12:15-1:15pm @ M345
    Homaira Mohammadi is a lawyer who specializes in gender rights issues while working for social justice for all in Afghanistan. Facilities by Dr. Anisha Saxena
  • Holi Festival with South Asia Club - April 11th 12:15-1:15pm @ the Quad
    A traditional holiday celebration. The rain date for this event is April 13th
  • Ramadan & Charity - April 13th 12:15-1:15pm @ Storer
    Imam Muris, facilitated by Dr. Timur Saka
  • #StopAsianHate Panel - April 20th 12:15-1:15pm @ M345
    A conversation on the biases experienced by Asian Americans. Facilitated by Dr. Jim Tran and Dr. Timur Saka
  • Cultural Sampler with a Fashion & Cosplay Contest- April 25th 11:00-1:15pm @ Gordon Great Room
    Come have fun and relax with FREE food, games, music, and a contest! The fashion & cosplay contest is a chance to show off your beauty and creativity for a chance at a first prize of $50 or one of 4 Great Showing prizes. A collaboration between the psychology club, South Asia club, and SGA.


Biases are Dismantled Together - Month Long Displays:

  • Asian-Pacific themed cookbooks and featured books by Asian and Asian American authors @ Coulter
  • APAH Cultural Artifacts and Toys @ Hallway Displays near M350 & first floor lobby of Mawhinney

The national celebrations of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month happen during May. In order to maximize our learning and activities, we celebrate that month on campus in April. For more information about this month, you can visit the official national website. We hope to see you at the events!


To request disability-related accommodations, please call the Office of Accessibility Resources at 315-498-2245 seven days in advance. These events are being sponsored by the Diversity Service, DEIB Council, Office of Accessibility Resources, Psychology club, SOLE, South Asia club, and the College’s 8 Schools.