Onondaga Community College's chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society celebrated another outstanding year and welcomed in new members during its spring induction ceremony. The event was held March 27 in Storer Auditorium.
OCC's chapter, which is named Alpha Sigma Zeta, recently received numerous New York State-level awards including:
- Most Distinguished Chapter (out of 59)
- Distinguished Honors In Action Project
- 1st place - Honors In Action Theme 6 - "Nostalgia as Play"
- Distinguished College Project
- "Edgiest" Chapter (for having the most online Edge programs completed by chapter members)
- 1st place - PTK Programming Award
- 1st Place - Community Service Award
- 2nd Place - Fellowship Award
- Most Distinguished Officer Team
- Distinguished Advisor Award - Jackie Barstow
- Horizon Award - Dr. Annie Tuttle
OCC's chapter will learn if it has more awards to celebrate at the PTK International Conference which will be held next week in Orlando.
During the spring induction ceremony, speakers included:
- Maya Taisey, PTK Vice President for Public Relations
- Dr. Warren Hilton, OCC President
- Dr. Annie Tuttle, PTK Advisor
- Elliott O'Connell, PTK Chapter President
- Blake Carter, OCC Alumnus and former PTK Chapter President
A total of 218 new members were welcomed into PTK. To be eligible for induction students must have earned 12 credits at OCC and have a minimum grade point average of 3.5. A complete, alphabetized list of the honorees is below. Congratulations to all!
- Maxie Alban
- Nicki Albert
- Emma Alfaro-Rooney
- Rachida Ali Noma
- Kambylle Allen
- William Allen
- Brady Anderson
- Sean Anderson
- Daniela Arevalo-Leyva
- Yesvier Aviles Mendez
- Claudia Bachner
- Wyatt Barnard
- Gabriel Bauer
- Shannon Becker
- Kiana Bisnett
- Jamie Biviano
- Abagail Boisey
- Gabriel Bolanos
- Edward Borha
- Emma Bouchard
- Catherine Bradbury
- Michael Brennan
- Mallory Brooks
- Dio Brown
- Shannon Brown
- Binsa Budathoki
- Carlos Gabriel Calanoc
- Cody Cardinal
- Brooke Carter
- Weston Carter
- Tony Casella
- Connor Casler
- Samuel Castellot
- Cullen Castrello
- Zhisong Chen
- Carl Christensen
- Kayla Ciciarelli
- Scott Clarke
- Jason Colter
- Shannon Daley
- Fred Davis
- Alec Del Gigante
- Allysha Dela Cruz
- Brianna Dennis
- Nana Diaz
- Joseph DiMino
- Emma Donath
- Mia Doss
- Shelly Dunham
- Donovan Dunn-Robinson
- Emilee Durkin
- Jordyn Enrile
- Madison Everson
- Krestyan Feroni
- Jamie Farrell
- Elissa Fasulo
- Wesley Fecco
- Jonathan Ferenc
- Kaitlyn Fico
- Amy Gaita
- Bryan Galey
- Colin Gerbsch
- Mary Gibson
- Maria Girazov
- Kate Grainger
- Jordan Grosso
- Mohammed Hajjari
- Sophia Harber
- Thomas Harris
- Devin Harvil
- Mohammed Hassan Ali
- Nicolas Hayes
- Jonathan Henry
- Lance Heyer
- Rowan Hickey
- Lexus Hines
- Evangeline Hopper
- Nazar Horlii
- Emily Huttar
- Italy Jackson
- Malcolm Jackson
- Mohammad Sharif Jafari
- Balqiisa J-Elmi
- Michael Jocz
- Aimery Kelly
- Aashu Khadka
- Mustafa Khaleel
- Abigail Kimball
- Aiden Knapp
- Stephen Knieriem
- Jackie Kohler
- Brendan Krause
- Peter Kraynak
- Audrey Kuhn
- Lyudmyla Kurochka
- Mark La
- Rachel LaBrake
- Courtney Lamb
- Lillian Lavalette
- Christian Lazure
- Jennifer Lebrecht
- Emily Lennon
- Sara Levi
- Heather Liggett
- Desiree Lodoe
- Demarco Lopez
- Rose Louis
- Emma Louise
- Jack Louise
- Nicholas Lyon
- Liam MacPherson
- Morgan Mahaney
- Emily Maldonado
- Jana Manuel
- Austin Marcuccilli
- Aaron Marsch
- Alex Mazzoni
- Dehaven McCray
- Jordan McDermott
- Madison McKeon
- Chiara Messina
- Joey Metras
- Caden Michaels
- Ethan Michalenko
- Jason Miller
- Melissa Montgomery
- Josh Moreland
- Madison Morse
- Isaiah Moses
- Hizam Murshed
- Egan Muys
- Desire Ndagijimana
- Amberle Nirai
- Leila Nirai
- Jennifer Norris
- Alicia Oberlender
- Cristina O'Connor
- Joseph Oliver
- Jasmine Osborne
- Lexi Osterman
- Lohgan Padgett
- Marcy Pasache
- Christopher Paultre
- Rachael Pawelek
- Kohei Pearl
- Margaret Peregoy
- Melissa Perry
- Peter Peschel
- Samantha Phelps
- Nathan Pierce
- Aaron Platt
- Laberta Pompeo
- Anthony Pontello
- Marquise Precha
- Liv Price
- Ruby Ramseyer
- Ade Rashid
- Colton Rice
- Charles Richards
- Olivia Richmond
- Ariana Richway
- Sebastian Riker
- Jedidiah Roche
- Charlize Ruggiero
- Moohae Say
- Dylan Schirtz
- Deborah Schlosser
- Aidan Schultz
- Cheyenne Scott
- Jake Seitz
- Teresa Senn
- Amelia Shackelton
- Shyann Shaw
- Jared Simmons
- Gursharndeep Singh
- Maxwell Singleton
- Dylan Smith
- Ralph Smith
- Mastajah Snow
- Maria Sokolowski
- Jacob Southworth
- Matthew Spano
- Vaughn Spence
- Rosa Stasyuk
- Trevor Stedman
- Ryan Stewart
- Spensyr Strait
- Ryan Strassberger
- Olin Stratton
- Natalie Sturick
- Casey Sullivan
- Nathaniel Sutter
- Charli Tallman
- Nevaeh Taylor
- Connor Tedd
- Cam Thompson
- Joshua Thompson
- Zachary Thompson
- Enrico Torres
- Bella Toscano
- Christopher Usher
- Sophia Van Horn
- Gabriel Volo
- Olivia Wafer
- Liam Walsh
- Rory Walsh
- Justin Warner
- Cheyenne White
- Elisa White
- Tyler Wilburn
- Samira Williams
- Genevieve Williamson
- Schuyler Wolfram
- Sami Yousuf
- Ruth Zidor
- Tim Zilberman
- Sara Zingaro