Isabella Shenandoah-Kurtz

Isabella Shenandoah-Kurtz didn't play basketball competitively until her freshman year at LaFayette Junior/Senior High School. When some of her closest friends  said they would play, she joined them. "I was part of a committed group of girls. I started to play because they were playing, and then I fell in love with the sport."

Four years later Shenandoah-Kurtz is a freshman at Onondaga Community College. She was recruited by Lazers Women's Basketball head Coach Kelly Seibt to continue her basketball career here. And Shenandoah-Kurtz recently learned she is this year's recipient of the OCC Foundation's Robert H. Edson Memorial Scholarship which benefits a student who exemplifies a commitment to academic success, leadership, community service, and integrity.

Edson was OCC's Athletic Director when he passed away suddenly in 2013 at age 45. His daughter, Tracey, annually reviews the scholarship applicants and decides whom the recipient will be. She met Shenandoah-Kurtz last month and shared the good news with her. "Tracey was very nice. She told me my application really stood out. I was honored to get this because he was a really good person."

Shenandoah-Kurtz began seriously considering OCC during her senior year of high school. She came to Women's basketball games and liked what she saw. "I liked the team atmosphere. I saw how the girls interacted with each other and supported each other no matter how they were doing. Everyone was giving 100%. They were a 'we' team over a 'me' team."

She also appreciate OCC's location, which is less than 10 miles from her high school. "Coming here allows me to stay involved with my Lafayette community but also have a chance to make a new community. Plus, it's affordable and I know I want to do things with my life other than worry about paying for school."

Shenandoah-Kurtz is enrolled in the Mathematics & Science degree program. Her career goal is something medical-related such as physical therapy or athletic training.

Congratulations to Isabella Shenandoah-Kurtz, this year's recipient of the Robert H. Edson Memorial Scholarship.

Onondaga Community College
Lafayette High School