On Campus

Amani Johnson is in her second semester computer studies major at OCC and plans on transferring to SUNY Oneonta to complete her 4-year degree.

Are you stressed during finals week? Do you feel like you're drained? Finals week is a stressful time for students at OCC. Students have trouble with test anxiety and lack of sleep. Here are some tips and guidelines to help you get through finals weeks with a breeze:

blaze on an elliptical

Exercise: Exercising is a great way to cope with finals week and get your body going and blood pumping to your brain to help you stay focused while studying. Exercises like yoga, jogging, riding bikes, or anything you like to do will help you destress and release endorphins to make you feel better. If you want to make your deadlines, try exercising for at least 15-30 minutes a day. Check out the SRC Arena and the YMCA to get a good workout for finals week.

Eating Nutritious Meals: Students tend to make more unhealthy choices when preparing for finals.When choosing whether or not to eat that juicy burger or slice of pizza over a great healthy salad or a fruit bowl, choose the healthier option because it's better for your body and brain. Maintaining a healthy diets will help to cope with stress and getting good grades for finals. The Gordon Cafeteria and others cafes on campus have a lot of great choices for healthy food.

Finding a Good Study Space: I like to study in quiet places to concentrate on work. Some students find it helpful to study in their dorms, but some students just want a place to focus on studying and the dorm is not really quiet, and it's very easy to get distracted. Some study places on campus are Coulter Library, the little nooks in Whitney on the second and third floor, the Learning Center, and study areas in Ferrante and Academic II building. Finding the perfect study place will be an immeasurable help to students.

Use Study Groups: Utilizing study groups with friends or classmates will definitely help cut some time on homework, and also help with any questions you're unclear about. Working in groups helps me  a lot of rather than working independently. I can get my opinions heard and ask questions that I really wouldn't be able to ask if I was working independently. Different opinions will be shared and it is a good benefit for everyone in the group. You can learn the material by yourself then ask a group of friends in the same class to help you go over any questions you may have or anything you're unsure about.

Finals week is a stressful time for students. Using these tips will  help you pass your finals with flying colors. Good luck to all students taking finals!