Resident Resources


Dorm Laundry Rooms are operated by Fowler Laundry Solutions. For directions on how to operate the machines, follow these instructions:

Washer & Dryer Instructions


Monitor your laundry in the Fowler Laundry Solutions mobile app!

Monitor your laundry in the app!


If a machine is broken or you need to request a refund, follow these instructions:

Maintenance Request


To Connect to the Residence Hall Wireless:

  1. Connect your wireless device to “OCC-ResNet”
  2. Your web browser will show Terms and Conditions — please review and accept
  3. Enter your OCC username and password for authentication
  4. Congratulations! You are connected to the OCC ResNet Wireless Network


If your devices will not connect, please reach out to our wireless support team at

When calling, the support team will NEED the following information:

  • Contact name
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Device type
  • Res Hall location
  • Nature of the problem
  • MAC address of device (looks like 01-23-45-67-89-ab)


Evacuation and Fire Alarm Procedures:

  1. Never ignore alarms — assume all fire alarms are real fires!
  2. Stay calm and evacuate the building via the nearest safe exit.
  3. Wake up your roommate(s) and warn others near you.
  4. If possible, use a pull station to sound an alarm if it’s not already ringing.
  5. If the hallway is smoky, crawl low in smoke.
  6. Use stairwells, not elevators.
  7. Once you are outside, STAY OUTSIDE.
  8. Move 50 feet away from the building to allow the fire department easy access to the building.
  9. Go to your building’s designated meeting place to be accounted for. 
  10. Let staff know if someone is still inside.


  1. Wait for the crowd to pass.

  2. Move to an area near a safe stairwell for evacuation (Area of Refuge).

  3. Notify Campus Safety at (315) 498-2311 of your location and stairwell address.


  1. If possible, call 911 or Campus Safety at (315) 498-2311 
  2. Tell them your situation and location.
  3. Keep the door closed, seal cracks and vents with towels to prevent smoke from coming into the room.
  4. Signal out a window for help.

Prohibited Items:

  • Candles, Oil lamps, incense
  • Fireworks and explosives
  • Charcoal, gas, or table top grills
  • Cooking appliances (i.e. hot plates)
  • Combustible devices (i.e. Gasoline, benzene, flammable liquids, chemicals) 
  • Anything with an open flame
  • Multi-plug outlets
  • Halogen lamps or other high-intensity lamps
  • Neon signs
  • String lights (including Christmas and rope lights) that do not meet URL requirements (ask a Staff member)
  • Live-cut Christmas trees

Fire Prevention Rules

  • No Smoking inside the Residence Halls — smoke outside in parking lot locations 50 feet away from the hall 
  • Never leave cooking food unattended.
  • Don’t hang tapestries or posters from the ceiling.
  • Don’t run cords for appliances, cable line, or extension cords under rugs.
  • Know how much voltage your power strip can hold and don’t overload it.
  • Never pull an alarm as a prank.


If you know of someone who is thinking of setting a fire, notify a staff member immediately or Campus Safety.

Hall A

Onondaga Community College
Residence Hall A, 183 OCC Drive South
Suite Number
Syracuse, NY 13215

Hall B

Onondaga Community College
Residence Hall B, 165 OCC Drive South
Suite Number
Syracuse, NY 13215

Hall C

Onondaga Community College
Residence Hall C, 139 OCC Drive South
Suite Number
Syracuse, NY 13215


Onondaga Community College
Shapero Hall, 4894 Onondaga Road
Room Number
Syracuse, NY 13215

Smoking is strictly prohibited in the residence halls. If you are found to be smoking in the residence halls, you will undergo the student conduct process and face potential expulsion from the halls. 
For more on the college's tobacco policy, you can view Tobacco Free OCC.