Social Media Policy

Why do we have social media guidelines? 

This is the perfect way to give everyone guidance and help pursue OCC’s strategic mission publicly in a united way. The goal of this policy is to:  

  • Maintain brand integrity and identity 
  • Facilitate inclusion and belonging (we take a strong stance against cyberbullying and harassment) 
  • Prevent a security breach (such as phishing or a hack) 
  • Outline obligations (including accessibility, account maintenance) 
  • Provide additional resources and contact points 

Main point of contact 

For any questions about this policy and what it means, concerns about accounts, content, comments, etc. please contact the Marketing & New Media Department

The Onondaga Community College official accounts can be found at Onondagacc.  

Account creation & management 

Are you interested in making a social media account that would be associated with the College in some way? You must complete the following steps: 

  1. File a form with Marketing, filling out all relevant information 
  2. Marketing will review and approve/deny the request 
  3. You MUST provide all log-in information associated with the account in question 
  4. If approved, you must maintain the integrity of the account, including following best practices and accessibility guidelines. If the account becomes dormant after 6 months, it is subject to deletion.  

Employee responsibility 

Please keep in mind that the personal and professional are not always the same thing. While acting as a professional or identifying yourself as an OCC advocate publicly, please consider the impact on the OCC brand.  

Things such as profanity, illicit content, cyberbullying, hate speech, and more are NOT allowed and will result in disciplinary action.  

Employees are encouraged to share news and interact with OCC online. Please note that official statements to press and external stakeholders must come from the College itself, meaning the Executive Director of Communications or an approved spokesperson. FERPA also applies to social media. It is our responsibility to keep students’ personal information confidential. 

Employees are trusted to make ethical choices. Please use your best judgement and reach out when you have questions.   

Consequences of breach 

If you breach any of the guidelines, both the account administrator and the associated account are subject to review and appropriate disciplinary action (potential outcomes include account deletion, future prevention of account administration, investigation by Campus Safety). 

Remember, social media, just like OCC’s brand, is conversational, fun, and authentic. Focus on being clear, concise, and creating connections.